Binge and other Eating Disorders
BED facts
- People with eating disorders often do not recognise the problem
- They are not always worried about their body image, weight or quantities of food they consume
- 10% of people binge on food at least weekly
- 47% people with eating disorders have Binge-Eating Disorder
- People with BED are prone to depression and anxiety
Impulsive, irregular, restrictive and night eating are associated with ADHD - Substance or alcohol use disorder is a frequent co-morbidity
- Anorexia Nervosa affects 1.4% of women and 0.2% of men
- High physical health burden (underweight, overweight, diabetes, asthma, pain)
- 3.5% women and 2% men have a lifetime chance to develop Binge Eating Disorder
- One-third of Binge-Eating Disorder patients are not affected by weight gain
- Weight management often does not eliminate the cause of an eating disorder
- Difference between genders in how they address their BED
- One million Australians suffer disordered eating
BED Health Care Team
General Practitioner
- Medications management (including Schedule 8 medications)
- Optimising physical health
- Education on nutrition and lifestyle
- Coordinating your healthcare providers team
- Diagnostic assessment
- Medications recommendations
- Schedule 8 medications – optional support
- Multidisciplinary care planning
- Work&Study support
- Functional assessment
- Optimising performance
- Academic and Career Support and Coaching
- ADHD coaching
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Trauma work
- Mental Health care Plan

General Practitioner
- Medications management (including Schedule 8 medications)
- Optimising physical health
- Education on nutrition and lifestyle
- Weight restoration
- Weight normalisation
- Coordinating your healthcare providers team

- Diagnostic assessment
- Medications recommendations
- Schedule 8 medications – optional support
- Multidisciplinary care planning
- Work&Study support

- Functional assessment
- Optimising performance
- Strengthening career progression
- Interpersonal effectiveness
- Trauma work
- Regulating eating
- Correcting impulsivity (emotions and behaviours)
- Mental Health care Plan
- Eating Disorder Care Plan

- Regulating disordered eating
- Treating binge-eating, anorexia, bulimia and others
- Expanding skills in meal preparation
- Weight regulation
- Mental Health Care Plan
- Eating Disorder Care Plan
- …And just helping you learn to enjoy your food!